Attorney at law Hussain-Hämäläinen successful at the Hessian State Labor Court
I achieved great success for my client in a conciliation procedure (Güterichterverhandlung) at the Hessian State Labor Court. The employer had made various reputation-damaging accusations against my client and had transferred her to other locations several times within a short period of time. My client definitely wanted to keep her job. This is very well paid and close to where she lives. There was talk that the employer would either fire her because of the alleged allegations or continue to harass her with transfers. We filed a lawsuit against the employer and achieved a settlement that ensured that my client would keep this job until she retired (!) and at exactly the location where she would like to work. The parties also excluded ordinary termination by the employer until retirement! This is a sensational success! It secures my client’s salary until she retires.
I recommend trying out the option of the adjudicator procedure. It offers a good alternative to adversarial proceedings and can sometimes be used to achieve goals that could not be achieved in adversarial proceedings, as is the case here. An exclusion of the transfer and exclusion of termination is only possible through settlement.
Is your employer threatening you with dismissal or harassing you with transfers? Call us! Ms. Hussain-Hämäläinen, LL.M. will be happy to advise and represent you. Telephone consultations and personal meetings are possible at any time. Please make an appointment with us in advance.