Across Germany media reported about a case of mine („Die Zeit, LTO, FOCUS, EXPRESS etc.)
As I already reported in this blog:
In May 2023, the chamber hearing in my client’s case against his employer, Deutsche Lufthansa AG, was to take place via video conference. Both my client and I as well as the lawyer from Deutsche Lufthansa AG dialed into the video conference in good time and waited around 45 minutes for the court to open the hearing. We filed a lawsuit at the Cologne Labor Court because Deutsche Lufthansa AG (defendant) has its headquarters there. While we were waiting, we were already chatting online, discussing the case and wondering why it was taking so long for the court to get involved, but we assumed that the court was still busy with other hearings, etc. After 45 minutes we finally called the Cologne labor court and found out that the court hearing had already ended and a verdict had already been announced. We “were blown away”! The judge claimed in the verdict that the participants had been welcomed, that we had submitted applications and commented on the content of the case. Everything was untrue! The court hearing never took place. None of us saw or heard the judge , let alone spoken to him. The application for bias that I made on behalf of my client against the presiding judge was successful.
This is a sensation, looking at the fact that in the civil proceedings such a motion is almost never successful. The case was withdrawn from the judge!
We reached a settlement in the appeal court. The proceedings against Deutsche Lufthansa AG are now over and completed.
Media across Germany and many German lawyer colleagues in November 2023 reported on this case in their blogs and on social media. Hopefully this is an isolated case.